Developing the new Tracey Gibbs Video/Lighting Designer / by Tracey Gibbs

So my journey studying Theatre & Performance Technology at LIPA Liverpool is entering it’s final year, the first observation is whoosh where has that gone? closely followed with both a sense of sadness that the journey now has a finish post and a tinge of nervous excitement about where my creative path will follow now?

So here in blog land I am going to expand on my methods of approaching projects for the theatre and beyond.

Every designer has their way of approaching a production for me the design process begins with the story, be it the spoken word or the unspoken delivery of dance, the chance to interpret both the narrative and the directors vision and working in close collaboration with other creative’s on the team.

The story triggers a journey of research from many realms then to experimentation and creative bliss, reading through or listening to the creative treatment people are looking for to the end product and that tentative step into the weeks of production. A what a world we now occupy to fuel and discover inspiration , where do I go first ? well it can vary but music is one of my big triggers to begin the thoughts along with the all important story . And then there is the set design, this combined with the directors thoughts is a truly pivotal moment in the process, seeing the initial white card giving me a sense of scale and space that will ultimately become my playground.